St. Mark Ministries
Elder Michael L. Glover, Pastor
Elder Michael Glover was born February 9, 1958 at Collins Chapel Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee to Leonard and Corean Glover. He was born the tenth child in a family of ten children. The Glover family is noted for their musical gifts.
Elder Glover was saved at the age of 9. He received the baptism of the Holy Ghost at the age of 12 at Calvary Church of God in Christ in the Douglas Community under the pastorate of the late Supt. C.C. Knox.
Elder Glover received his Associate of Arts Degree in 1978 from Cumberland College in Lebanon, Tennessee and an Associate of Divinity Degree in 2004 from Mid-America Theological Seminary in Memphis, TN.
In August of 1991, the Late Bishop G.E. Patterson ordained and installed Elder Glover as pastor of the St. Mark Church of God in Christ where He has faithfully served for 20 years, building the Kingdom of God through the taught and preached word. In November, 2007, he led the congregation into a new worship facility to the glory of God!
He has served faithfully in TN 4th Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction under the leadership of Bishop G.E. Patterson and presently under Bishop Jerry L. Maynard. Bishop Maynard installed him as the Evangelism President in January 2006 and since that time Pastor Glover has work to take the Evangelism Department to a new level in excellence and in soul-winning.
Pastor Glover has been singing for 40 years, beginning when his mom would stand him on coke boxes to sing in places of business. He has, diligently, shepherded the members of St. Mark for twenty years. He has been a part of the TN 4th Jurisdiction for twenty years. He has been a faithful servant, and for this we give God praise!
He is the husband of Eleanor Venable Glover of Memphis, TN. They have been married for eighteen years and work together in the ministry.
Click HERE to read a message "From the Pastor's Heart."